VISIT SHEPHERD - An Official Pilgrimage Site & Gain Special Jubilee Year Indulgence
Schedule Your Visit:
Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church is an Official Pilgrim Site in this Jubilee Year of Hope.
Please come and visit us to be granted your special Indulgence anytime between December 24, 2024 through January 6, 2026. Below is helpful information to assist you in arranging your visit:
1:00-5:00pm Parish Office Hours (we can open the church for you to pray)
9:00-5:00pm Parish Office Hours (we can open the church for you to pray)
5:00- 5:50pm Confession
5:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
6:00pm Mass (Spanish)
9:00-5:00pm Parish Office Hours (we can open the church for you to pray)
12:00pm Mass
9:00-5:00pm Parish Office Hours (we can open the church for you to pray)
11:00- 11:50am Confession
12:00pm Mass
9:00-5:00pm Parish Office Hours (we can open the church for you to pray)
* if your Young Adult or Youth Group would like to make a pilgrimage visit, our Shepherd of the Valley Young Adults Group and/or Youth Group would love to Host you for a meal and activities in addition to prayer. please reach out to our Youth Minister, Aimee Arnold - phone 541-664-8293
About Special Indulgences with a Pilgrimage:
Pope Francis has granted special Indulgences to the faithful who observe and take part in the celebration of the Jubilee of Hope. A plenary indulgence is a special gift from Christ's Church that completely removes the temporary consequences of sins that have already been forgiven in confession. These consequences are often referred to as the temporal punishment due to sin, which is purified in purgatory.
One may gain this special Indulgence by participating in any pilgrimage, and fulfilling the usual conditions during the pilgrimage to Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church (or one of the other 10 pilgrimage sites in Western Oregon) designated as Jubilee pilgrimage sites for the Jubilee of Hope.
A pilgrimage could be made by an individual, or it could be a group of the faithful from the parish. For example, a parish might organize a group to go to a particular site for the celebration of Mass, or they might organize a group to go together to a particular site for a visit.
The faithful, pilgrims of hope, will be able to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence granted by the Holy Father if they undertake a pious pilgrimage to any sacred Jubilee site by devoutly participating in:
make sacramental Confession no more than 20 days after visiting a designated Jubilee pilgrimage site (it may be fulfilled by celebrating the sacrament at the site during the parish’s regularly scheduled times)
receive the Eucharist at Mass after visiting a designated Jubilee pilgrimage site (it may be fulfilled by participating in Mass during the site’s regularly scheduled times).
take part in another Liturgy or Devotion (e.g., Eucharistic adoration or meditation before the tabernacle, a liturgy of the word, the Liturgy of the Hours [Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer], the Stations of the Cross, the Rosary)
make a Profession of Faith and Pray for the Pope’s intentions (e.g., say an Our Father and a Hail Mary).
note - special plenary indulgence provision for the Jubilee Year 2025: You may obtain a plenary indulgence twice in one day if you receive Holy Communion a second time during a Eucharistic celebration and apply it to the souls in purgatory. For those who are unable to participate in a Pilgrimage, particularly the sick and people who are elderly and alone, e.g., confined to the home, those incarcerated, can obtain the Jubilee indulgence, under the same conditions if, united in spirit with the faithful who take part in person, they recite the Our Father, the Profession of Faith and invocations to Mary.
The faithful will also be able to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence if, with a devout spirit, they participate in popular missions, spiritual exercises, or formation activities on the documents of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, held in a church or other suitable place, according to the mind of the Holy Father.