Women, you have been created by so loving a God, who made you for greatness, who made you to become a Saint. Each one of you is called to holiness, to become like Christ and the Saints. Think about all the great female Saints throughout history: the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Anne, St. Mary Magdeline, St. Agatha, St. Lucy, St. Monica, St. Clare, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Therese, and St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa). All of these women were different, they lived in different times, from all over the world. And yet all of them followed Jesus with all their hearts. They loved God, and they became holy. And by becoming holy, they changed the world.
Each woman is called to this holiness, but there are different ways each live it out. There are three basic ways that woman live out their vocation to holiness: some get married, some remain single, and some are called to the consecrated life, to become a religious sister, a nun. How can you know which life God is calling you to? The answer is discernment.
Sometimes it can be helpful to see the life of a woman who chose God in a radical way. This is the story of Sister Clare Crockett.