Brothers and sisters, we welcome you to Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church!! We are a warm, friendly and active church that is alive with the presence of the Holy Spirit, and we welcome you to our humble family.
From the Archdiocese and our Parish for the link click HERE (August 12, 2021)
Dispensation from the Obligation to attend Mass
Effective Friday, July 16, 2021 Archbishop Sample rescinds the dispensation from the obligation to attend Holy Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. Canon Law still allows those who are vulnerable, sick, or who have other grave reasons, to miss Holy Mass if necessary. Those unable to attend the Sunday Eucharist for such reasons are asked to honor the Lord in another way that day by watching a live-streamed Mass, praying the rosary, reading sacred Scripture, or otherwise setting aside time to be with the Lord.
General Principles: All indoor liturgical celebrations and faith gatherings are allowed to take place without capacity limitations, social distancing, sign-up systems, or segregation between those vaccinated and those unvaccinated.
Pastors and their staff and volunteers are encouraged to foster the life and activities of the parish with renewed enthusiasm. This applies to all faith gatherings and parish activities, including sacramental preparation programs, faith formation, bible studies and vacation bible schools.
Liturgical Practices: All previous liturgical restrictions are lifted, except for the following:
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Testing is discontinued at this time on site.