Adult Faith Formation


    On Saturday, August 5th, beginning with the 9 a.m. mass, Bishop Peter will be here at Shepherd of the Valley Church giving a day retreat!!

    . Time: 9:00 a.m. till mid afternoon, please join our parish for 9 a.m. Mass and prayer for healing. Celebrated by Bishop Peter Smith. Followed by a light brunch and more of Bishop Peter’s teachings and some conferring. R.S.V.P. for brunch at 541-944-4659. Donations gladly accepted. Sponsored by Shepherd’s Charismatic Prayer Group.ntil late afternoon.  A light lunch will be served.  

  • Link to buy Churh in Crisis book

  • Link Youtube interview Ralph Martin

  • On-Line Free College Classes for Faith formation

    Now you can get certified from Franciscan University in Catholic, high quality, interesting, relevant classes in formation and ministries and earn a certificate within a field of ministry! This subscription is paid for this year by our Archidocese and Shepherd is budgeting for it next year so we can have formed disciples, trained volunteeers and parishioners who desire to love and deepen their relationship with Jesus and want to pass on the faith to others! Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity today and become a life long learner in Christ who asks us to be ready to share the the reason for our joy!


    This bible study is low pressure, you don't have to know much to get a lot out of this study!!  You aren't pressured to share, but can if you feel moved to. You read scripture for the upcoming weekend mass. Fr. Silverino teaches this study, provides insight to the scripture with question, answer and rel and answer the questions during the week.  Bring your notebook and answers with you, listen in and expect to be move with the Holy Spirit in fellowship and community with your small group. Bring your mask, and expect social distancing:)

    10:00 P.M.-11:30 P.M.
    Matthew Module


  •  Para clases en español

     Para clases en español,  hay durante Domingo el primero domingo en "A Familia de Fe.",  o reuniones de los Guadalupanos. 



    This Book study is for women who want to fellowship with women in meaningful confidential conversation, while stretching their understanding of spritual matters as they seek to stregthen their relationship with Christ.  They currently are meeting in at 3 p.m. on Mondays in the Matthew Module.  Contact Carol Thibault at 741-932-3638 for  current information.